How to Prepare Your Yard For Winter with Burlap Plant Fabric

Plant Fabric | Burlap Fabric For Plants | Best Woven Landscape Fabric | Garden Cloth Cover Plants

Winter is coming. Is your yard ready?

Unexpected cold snaps and abrupt temperature changes can wreak havoc on your plants. Burlap is a simple, breathable, and cost effective form of protection that protects plants from freezing dew.

Best Landscape Fabric | Burlap Fabric Roll | Burlap Type Fabric | Burlap Garden FabricWhat Plants Should Be Covered in Winter?

Here are some of the plants that would benefit from more insulation and covering during the winter months.

Woven Landscape Fabric | Linen Burlap Fabric | Loose Weave Burlap Fabric | Plant FabricWhen Should Plants Be Covered?

Know Your Dates

Do you know your area’s average frost dates? The first frost typically occurs in the fall, while the last frost occurs in the spring. The first freeze date will typically happen a week or two after the first frost date. It’s important to keep an eye out for this date because if you’re not prepared – it will likely kill your plants!

Watch the Weather Reports

These are rough guidelines. A sudden onset of cold before the estimated frost date can likewise cause damage to certain plants, so it’s important to be aware of any active weather warnings before winter to make sure you are able to anticipate and reduce any damage.

How to Cover Your Plants With Burlap Plant Fabric

Burlap Landscape Fabric | Burlap Garden Fabric | Open Weave Burlap Fabric | Burlap Fabric RollStep 1 – Apply Mulch

Apply mulch in a thick 4-5 inch layer around the base of your plant. This will insulate the ground and maintain soil moisture. When the soil is wet, it’s actually much harder to freeze completely solid.

Step 2 – Create a Barrier

Create a barrier from the wind by driving three or four wooden stakes into the ground around the plant, allowing a few inches of space between the stakes and the plant.

Step 3 – Wrap the Plant

Wrap burlap, typically 6.5oz weight or greater, around the stakes and the plant, at least two to three times. Make sure there is roughly 5 inches on the ground to prevent wind from blowing underneath the burlap. The top of the plant should also be covered.

Step 4 – Secure the Burlap Plant Fabric

Tie the burlap fabric with twine or jute rope. Beginning at the bottom, wrap the twine around the shrub and tie the two ends of twine together. Continue in a spiral fashion, to keep the burlap snug. Wrap the twine to the top, and then back down again, ending where you began. Stapling the burlap to the stakes also is a fine solution for longer term winter protection.

Step 5 – Removal

Be sure to remove the burlap fabric as soon as the weather moderates, but leave the stakes in place so you can cover the plant quickly in the event of an unexpected cold snap. You can remove the stakes in spring when you’re sure freezing weather has passed.

Burlap fabric is a simple, but effective way to protect your plants against harsh temperatures and survive the winter. Eaton Brothers offers burlap rolls and burlap tall pac in a rugged, medium-weave for sturdy plant protection.